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contoh kalimat arah ke

"arah ke" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • These are directions to our convent in Vermont.
    Ini adalah arah ke biara kami di Vermont.
  • Take the direction Bibliotheque until Chatelet. You change.
    Ambil arah ke Bibliotheque lalu ganti di Chatelet.
  • I probablyjust asked for directions to the beach.
    Aku mungkin hanya bertanya untuk arah ke pantai.
  • Perhaps someone could point me in his direction.
    Mungkin seseorang bisa menunjukkan padaku arah ke tempatnya.
  • Isn't San Antonio on the way to New Jersey?
    Bukankah San Antonio ke arah ke New Jersey?
  • When vou leave, ask directions for Le Domaine.
    Saat pergi, tanyakan arah ke Le Domaine.
  • Direction Porte de Clignancourt, and you're right there.
    Arah ke Porte de Clignancourt, dan kau sudah tiba.
  • Could you direct me to Bigweld Indust...?
    Bisakah kau memberitahu arah ke Indistri Bigweld Indust
  • Apparently, they've turned into a bowl of petunias.
    Sepertinya mereka berubah arah... ke semangkok petunia.
  • Just us, the wind, the road to the Pacific.
    hanya kita, angin akan menunjukjan arah ke pasifik.
  • I assume you know the way to jail.
    Aku anggap kalian tahu arah ke penjara.
  • This is the only way into the old harbour.
    lni satu arah ke pelabuhan tua.
  • To the greener pastures closer to Sodom.
    Ke padang rumput hijau dekat arah ke Sodom.
  • Mom, can you print out the directions to the clinic?
    Ibu, bisakah Ibu cetak arah ke klinik?
  • ".. I will show you the way to the heaven."
    "..aku Akan menunjukkanmu arah ke surga. "
  • These are directions to the barn I'm renting.
    Ini arah ke lumbung yang aku sewa.
  • They're all moving their heads in different directions.
    Aku tahu arah ke mana mereka mengarah.
  • Things have taken a massive turn for the worst.
    Keadaan telah berubah arah ke keadaan yang buruk.
  • That's the direction to the Dragon Tiger Gate.
    Itu arah ke Dragon Tiger Gate.
  • Come back around on Exchange and head north.
    Kembali dan ganti arah ke utara.
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